San Marcos TX Dog Training and Rehabilitation /

Calm Family Dog Training / 737-471-CALM (2256)  

Susan Cole - Calm Family Dog Training

Does your dog drive you crazy?  Does he pull on the leash and drag you down the street?  Does he beg at the table and get underfoot in the kitchen?  Does he steal food off the counter? Does your dog bark at and jump on visitors?  Does your dog get left at home because you cannot fathom bringing him with you?  I can totally relate, I have been there myself.  There is hope, I can help.

You can have a Calm, Family Dog in this busy, crazy world.

Voted Best Dog Trainer in Hays 2020 & 2023

Calm Family Dog Training  focuses on educating owners and their dogs to help them create balanced relationships, includIng structure, leadership and obedience.

Susan Cole, owner and head trainer

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